Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Karen Abad ♥s Dinosaurs. staff 11 months ago
Here are a couple places that you may want to check out that have royalty-free music that you can use:

freemusicarchive.org/ - The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads. Check out "10 Tracks to Sync" highlighting instrumental music that works well with video! - bit.ly/bugm0N

ccmixter.org/ - ccMixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.

freesound.org/ - The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds. Freesound focusses only on sound, not songs.

audiofarm.org/ - Audiofarm is an audio website for helping people explore, share, and enjoy Creative Commons Audio from around the world.

At this website Kevin MacLeod offers his royalty free music creations under the Creative Commons License. There are many different types of instrumental music at this site.

pacdv offers a few instrumentals for you to use royalty free. They just ask that you mention "Music by pacdv.com/sounds/" in your credits.

Offers a few songs that you can use in your productions as long as you credit the songwriter - Peter John Ross.

Offers a few royalty free instrumental songs under the Creative Commons License. Just credit the musicians.

Taylor Hayward offers a few piano songs that are copyright free so you are free to use them in any way, commercial or non-commercial.

I recommend that you sign up with a free account at soundclick.com to take full advantage of its many differnent music artsists and genres. To find royalty free music at no charge under the Creative Commons License click on the soundclick link above and then change License Type to Creative Commons (Free), select the Genre and click go.

This site includes many different genre's of music by many different artists under the Creative Commons License. The difficult part at this site is just downloading one song. When you go to an artist's page and click on an album it wants you to download the whole album. But if you are listening to the album with the jamplayerweb there is an option at the bottom to Export this playlist: M3U. If you pause the music and click on M3U then the songs should open up in your Media Player and you can click the next and previous buttons in your Media Player and also click on File -> Save As... to save the song you are listening to.

Derek Audette offers his royalty free music under the Creative Commons License. Most of these are instrumental pieces that are either dark, moody, or hard driving.

This site contains recordings of songs that were published prior to 1922 and are now in the public domain which means the public is free to copy and use the works in any way.

This website offers a collection of music from a variety of artists and genres under the Creative Commons License. In the left hand menu click on artists or genres.

Open Music Archive offers recordings of songs that are over 50 years old so their copyright has expired in the UK so the recordings have become Public Domain. However, if you are from another country other than the UK then the recordings may not be Public Domain yet. See the FAQ for more information.

This Audio Archive contains free recordings of many popular bands. These are usually recordings of live performances. The bands that allow their live concerts to be recorded and traded are known as Trade Friendly Bands. For a list of bands that are Trade Friendly and to view their policies see Trade-Friendly Band Information and Furthurnet.org Band List. The FAQ page and the details page make it clear that these recordings can only be used for non-commercial purposes.

Free Production Tracks has a few styles of music that can be downloaded for free and can be used for anything, commercial or personal, without any royalty fees.
Royalty Free Music royaltyfreemusic.com/free-music-resources.html
royaltyfreemusic.com mainly offers royalty free tracks for a price, but they do offer some 30 second music clips, beats and loops that can be used for personal or non-commercial productions. You must credit RoyaltyFreeMusic.com as the source of the music.

InernetAudioGuy.com usually sells royalty free audio tracks for a price but they also offer a few instrumental 30 second samples that you can use for free for anything you want.

Using Non-Royalty Free Music
If you already found a piece of music from a professional artist that you want to use in your film or other production then go to ascap.com/filmtv/faq.html to find out how to contact the copyright owner (usually the publisher) and acquire the appropriate license.
PKSellers plus 10 months ago
Check MobyGratis.com ! Most people dont know about it but Moby has released some of his music for our student and independent films! My top two i have been using for the past 3 years is sound project and ccMixter.

音樂錄像 亞里安OMD with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra


上世紀八十年代,來自英國利物浦的電子樂隊Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark,簡稱OMD,雖則以Orchestra自稱,實在只有四位成員,以低音結他手兼主音Andy McCluskey及鍵琴手兼主音Paul Humphreys為首,再加上鼓手及鍵琴手,早期OMD作品甚重post-punk風格,且經常引入一些實驗元素,跟當代其他英倫syn-pop電子組合不一樣。OMD於1986年推出The Pacific Age後便告解散,到上世紀九十年代變成Andy McCluskey一人繼續以OMD之名出過三張專輯。

直至2007年Andy McCluskey公布有關OMD重組消息,並以最原裝的四人陣容再度合作,他們開始為巡迴演出忙個不停,去年6月20日,OMD更以這個電幻古典演唱會來慶祝出道三十周年,並邀請Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra同台演出,在他們的家鄉Liverpool Philharmonic Hall內演出,這可說是OMD名副其實跟Orchestra碰上的第一次,共玩了十四首新舊選曲,全程交由管弦大樂團來重新解構編曲,Andy McCluskey負責主唱及低音結他,Paul Humphreys亦繼續邊彈電子琴邊唱。個人而言,由於OMD刻意沒有將自家的電子編曲跟樂團互動,感覺上總是有點若有所失。沒錯,當聽到Joan Of Arc、Souvenir及Maid Of Orleans這幾首本身極之莊嚴神聖的瑰麗經典,配套宏亮壯闊的管弦樂編曲,確有度身訂造的懾人氣魄。反觀深入民心的電子名作如Enola Gay、Electricity及Messages等,換上硬生生的古典新變奏,加入不太合襯的銅管樂吹奏,根本就衣不稱身,愈聽愈有不對勁之感。這令我想起之前譚校長的《愛的根源》專輯全新灌錄版本,玩中樂古典新編曲,同樣不倫不類,尷尬非常。值得一提,演唱會第二部分名為The Energy Suite,從英國著名設計名師Peter Saville的裝置設計出發,五首全新音樂作品Gas、Water、Air、Nuclear及Coal,代表英國及威爾斯五個不同能源發電廠之意,以音樂宣揚環保訊息,期待中除了OMD即將推出的全新專輯History Of Modern外,還有10月16日出席上海世博的演唱會。
